Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Happy Birthday, USA!

Hi friends, I hope you all had a wonderful Independence Day! I have to say, though I woke up exhausted and sun burned, this year was probably the best 4th of July I've ever had! 

We have friends visiting California from out of state with their three kiddos, so we met up with them at the beach where they are staying. It was the first time Baylee has been to the beach since she was 12 months old, so I was so excited to see what her reaction would be. Verdict? My summer baby held true to her love of all things water and had a blast!

It was so much fun letting the kiddos build sand castles, playing in the waves, and catching up with our friends who we really haven't gotten to hang out with in over two years. (I have been friends with Jenelle since I was Baylee's age...28 years strong! :) Thank you so much for having us, we loved it!) We brought a picnic lunch and just lazed around in beach chairs all afternoon. It was the best!

Baylee was obsessed with the water, so she kept asking Brian to take her back down. He would hold her hands and she would wait for the water to come up and say, "Weady??? Weady??" (Ready, Ready) Once the water would hit her legs she would giggle and when it left she would say "Leelee's tuwn! Leelee's tuwn!" (Baylee's turn). I had totally thought that she was going to be scared of the water, but she kept asking to go in the "pool" all day my little beach babe!

Once late afternoon hit, we decided to head home since we had such a long drive, and Baylee hadn't had a nap all day. We ordered some Applebee's To-Go once we got back in town and had a quiet little dinner at home. Then, we went out in our backyard for some ice cream cones for dessert. How I love summer time ice cream faces on toddlers! After it got dark, the three of us hopped in the bed of a truck in our front yard, popped some glow sticks for Baylee, and watched the firework show that they put on at the park down the street. It was an absolutely perfect way to end Independence Day with my little family!

There is no doubt, we are so blessed to live in such an amazing country! Happy birthday, USA! Let freedom ring!


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