Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Apple Picking!

Yesterday, we began a new Fall family tradition of apple picking! We will definitely continue to do it every year now, because it was such a great experience for all of us. We have gone to Oak Glen many, many times (Brian's parents own the turquoise/Native American jewelry store there), but we had never tried the apple picking before. This was opening weekend for apple picking, so I was determined to go this year before everything was over picked.

We went to Riley's Apple Farm because I had heard great reviews, and it lived up to those reviews for sure! Everyone there was super nice and helpful, and there were apple trees as far as the eye could see. We ended up picking about 6 pounds of Macintosh apples, but the best part was watching Baylee frolic around with her little apple basket (a Target "One Spot" find!!) and having a blast picking up the tiniest apples she could find off the ground. :) The whole day was photo op central, so I was loving taking pics of my girl.  

Besides apple picking, Riley's has so much to do for the kids. There is a huge two-story play barn with a rocking horse and full play kitchen inside, which was hard to pull Baylee away from. There is a General Store where you can buy all kinds of goodies, and you can even press your own gallon of cider! For the older kids, they have an area where you can shoot arrows or throw tomahawks into hay bails. (Brian wants to try those activities next year for sure...Baylee has a while. ;) ) I highly recommend visiting Riley's if you are looking for somewhere to go apple picking this year.

 After we were done picking apples, we went to the village to have lunch and walk around the shops. Baylee got a balloon lady bug, and got to ride the train and the ponies. She was one happy little miss! We were tempted by the "mile high" apple pie, but decided to try something new and had apple pecan pie a la mode for dessert. Then, we worked off some of that sugar dancing and playing with hula hoops. It was such a fun day, and made me feel like Autumn is really here...until we came home to the 90 degree desert of course. ;) 

Until next time! XoXoXo 



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