Friday, September 9, 2016

Fun at the Fair!

Yesterday, we went on our annual trip to the L.A. County Fair, and I'm positive that this was our best yet! I explained what was at the fair to Baylee earlier in the day, and told her that we were going to see all kinds of farm animals. So, the whole drive there she went on about wanting to see a "big moo cow!". I knew she would be so stoked to not only see, but be able to pet all the animals, so I couldn't wait to show her. She rocked her little country girl outfit complete with boots "just like mommy"!

We were starving by the time we walked in, so we decided to start with a BBQ dinner of pork ribs, pulled pork, baked beans, mac'n'cheese, and corn bread. It was so tasty

After dinner we went straight to the barn to show Baylee all the animals. She went crazy for the baby cows and goats in the nursery section. It was so sweet to see her so excited! After we looked at animals for a bit, we went in to the petting zoo. Baylee couldn't have been happier. She kept hugging the goats around their necks and telling me, "Cheeeeeeese, Mommy!". There was a pregnant mama goat laying down by the fence, and Baylee took a liking to her for some reason. She pet her for a long time and kept giving her kisses. :)

We hit the pig races next, which is always adorable. They divvy the audience up by color so that you know who to cheer for, and tiny pigs in bandanas run around a small track for a treat at the end. They make it a lot of fun for the kids with songs and clapping, and the animals are just plain cute. They also have a duck race, and then the grand finale is a turkey race. It's pretty hysterical!

We went to the kids section next, where they get to learn all about "farm to table" produce. Baylee got to pick her produce and turn it in for "money" to take to the "grocery store" next door. They had mini shopping carts and everything! Baylee probably would have shopped there all day if I had let her.

We visited a few more baby animals in the barn; then, Baylee's wish came true. She finally got to see her "big moo cow" 1,800 lb moo cow to be exact!

One of the highlights of the fair this year is a 3-year-old giraffe named Stanley. He's from a ranch in Malibu and has been in a few movies. At the fair he's a wildlife conservation ambassador, and for a $10 donation you can feed him and take pictures with him. It was one of the neatest experiences I have ever had. He was so sweet and so gentle. Baylee giggled the entire time, and still has not stopped telling everyone that she "gave Stanley the giraffe cookies". If you get a chance to make it to the fair this year, he is a must see!

Once it started to get dark, we decided to play some games and grab some desserts. Brian won Baylee a stuffed froggy at the squirt gun game, and she won herself a tiny stuffed lizard at the balloon pop game. (I was so proud!) For dessert, we wanted to try a couple of new things so our first choice was a churro and gelato ice cream sandwich. It was incredible. The ice cream flavor we chose was dark chocolate hazelnut and it seriously tasted like frozen Nutella. Next, we needed a fried novelty, so after much debate we settled on the fried oreos. All I can say is that I love the fair. :) Fried oreos every day, please!

We ended the night with a visit to the Jurassic Planet section of the fair. They set up a bunch of life-sized animatronic dinosaurs that move and make sounds in the way scientists believe that they did when they existed. (Complete with the Jurassic Park soundtrack playing in the background.) Brian and I have always had a fascination with dinos since we were kids, and recently Baylee has sparked an interest as well, so it was a really cool display for all of us. I've never been to a museum with complete dinosaur fossils on display, so I was pretty taken aback by the the sheer size of these creatures that used to roam our earth. Baylee's favorite was the mama Triceratops with her babies, but I was pretty fond of the massive T-Rex.

Until next year, L.A. County Fair! Thanks for the memories!





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