Natalie turns 3!

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

 Miss Natalie is 3 today, so in honor of her birthday, I did her first ever birthday interview! Three is so much fun, because they can finally answer the questions and the answers are always the cutest ever!

Favorite color?: blue

Favorite toy?: “All of the toys in the playroom” (she plays with her little people the most)

Favorite food?: apples

Favorite movie?: “Frozen number 1”

Favorite snack?: granola bars

Favorite animal?: cow

Favorite book?: “Dragons Love Tacos”

Favorite song?: “Knockin’ Boots” (yes the Luke Bryan appropriate...*facepalm*)

Best friend?: “Sissy!!!”

Favorite cereal?: chocolate strawberry cheerios

Favorite thing to drink?: “green juice!” (Which means the Green Machine Naked juice)

Favorite holiday?: Valentine’s Day 

Toy you take to bed with you every night?: Chocolate Bunny

Favorite thing to do outside?: “play with balls”

Favorite place to go? “Shopping with Daddy because I love him”

Favorite show on TV?: “Mickey Mouse Clubhouse” (specifically the “Minnierella” episode)

I love this little girl and her blossoming personality more than I could ever explain! She’s currently in size 3T clothes and a size 7 shoe. Her favorite things in the world are dinosaurs, Disney princesses (Belle is her favorite), and baby dolls. She loves to pretend with Baylee and I hear them playing veterinarians and “house” on the daily (she’s usually the mom and Baylee is the baby! Haha) Outside is her happy place, and she adores any time spent at the park.

She is super smart and can quote lines from all her favorite books. She knows her ABC’s and can count to 20 from memory, and she has just started having letter and number recognition in the past couple weeks! She also knows all her shapes and colors, and of course her dinosaurs. ;) Her first year of preschool will start in about 6 months, and I can’t wait for her to start learning more and making friends!

Miss Natalie is silly, opinionated, passionate about doing things her way and on her time, and a complete “mama’s girl”. She has the best lisp in the whole world, and makes us laugh all day long with the way she pronounces things. Our favorite words right now are “cantu” for “toucan”, “beezas” for “zebras”, “keenbutter” for “peanut butter”, and “Yayie Youise” for “Natalie Louise”. I kind of secretly hope she never starts saying things correctly! 

Happy 3rd birthday, my magical girl! I hope this year is wonderful for you!

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