12 Months With Evelyn

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

 It’s official, the Tibbetts house is a toddler/preschooler/kiddo house only, and it’s such a bittersweet feeling to know the baby days are over. I am absolutely loving Evelyn at 12 months old, though, so that makes up for the sadness. She is so sweet and silly, and will do absolutely anything for a laugh these days so life has been very entertaining. 😆

Age: 12 months

Weight: 20 lbs

Height: 29 inches

Clothing size: 12 months

Teeth: 6 total (4 on top and 2 on the bottom)

Favorite foods: pasta, chicken, peas, blueberries, & bananas 

Words: dada, baba, mama, dog, hi (but she doesn’t say them on the regular, she’s not a big talker by any means)

Favorite activities: playing in the playroom with her sisters, playing outside, baths, and eating 

Least favorite activites: diaper changes, clothing changes, and long car rides (some things never change)

Favorite toys: walker, blocks, puzzles, and books

Signature moves: Scooting around on one knee instead of walking or crawling, dancing to Encanto every time she hears any songs from it, laughing at her sisters always because they obviously are the greatest comedy show of all time!

The two big things that Evy did this month were her party and 1st birthday smash cake pictures, but those were so special that I’m working on separate blog posts for them, so keep an eye out!

We love you forever Evy girl! Thank you for 12 months of love and joy!


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