Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Twenty Six Weeks

How far along: 26 weeks 4 days
Weight gain: 10 pounds
Stretch marks: Nope
Belly button in or out: We have officially entered outie territory.
Sleep: I wake up a few times, but other than that I'm sleeping great!
Best moment this week: Brian finally got to feel one of her dance parties the other night! She's been a little booger, and stops kicking whenever he puts his hand on my belly, but she finally showed him some love. :)
Worst moment this week: No complaints really, except I'm starting to have some back pain. Hopefully it doesn't get to bad.
Miss anything: Not fearing spaghetti sauce and chocolate...both give me the worst heartburn!
Movement: Oh yes! And I'm starting to learn her patterns of her active and quiet times of the day, so it's really neat. So far, she's the most active about an hour after dinner. She should weigh around 2 pounds and is about 13-14 inches long now!
Cravings: French fries and milkshakes.
Anything make you queasy or sick: Nope, just the heartburn culprits.
Looking forward to: I have an OB appointment today, and then I'll go every 3 weeks for the next couple of months! Can't believe how close we are getting!

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