Saturday, December 2, 2017

Christmas Bucket List

It's only December 2nd and we have already knocked the first two things off our Christmas Bucket List! I know this is going to be one of those amazing Christmases, so I thought I'd share all the fun we have planned from now until the 25th!

Christmas Bucket List

1. Visit Santa so Baylee can tell him what she wants for Christmas and promise to be a good girl. 
2. Mail out Christmas Cards.
3. Do a "Pay It Forward" act at least once a week. (Check out my list of pay it forward ideas here!)
4. Bake Christmas cookies and try at least one new recipe.
5. Read a Christmas book before bed every night.
6. Have a Christmas pajama party.
7. Watch at least one Christmas movie every day.
8. Drive around to look at lights on houses.
9. Buy a new ornament for the tree.
10. Wrap Christmas presents in pretty paper.
11. Make our annual Rudolph pancakes on Christmas Eve.
12. Do a few Christmas crafts. (Cotton ball snowmen maybe!)
13. Watch Baylee in her school's Christmas Recital. (She's a wiseman in the Nativity! How cute is that?!)
14. March in a local city's Christmas parade. (Baylee gets to do this with her dance studio and we are so excited!)
15. Give at least one toy to a toy drive.
16. Leave cookies, milk, and a letter out for Santa.

What fun traditions will you and your family be doing this year??

Until next time! XoXoXo

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