Thursday, January 4, 2018

Thirty One Weeks

How far along: 31 weeks 5 days
Weight gain: 19.5 pounds...I may actually stay under 30 pounds this time!
Stretch marks: Nope
Sleep: Good nights and bad nights, but definitely not very comfortable. I tell everyone that I've reached the point where rolling over in bed or getting out a bed is a complete circus act!
Best moment this week: We had the most relaxing weekend. It was so nice just to stay home and chill with Brian and Baylee.
Worst moment this week: Not a "moment" per say, but baby girl being breech is getting exceedingly uncomfortable. Her head is right by my rib cage pushing on my left lung and stomach, so breathing and eating are kind of a challenge these days.
Miss anything: Walking around without getting winded.
Movement: Oh yes, her bladder tap dance is getting perfected. Now if only I could teach her how to flip!
Cravings: My sweet tooth is making a return...I've been wanting cheesecake and vanilla bean ice cream. Also salad; all the time.
Anything make you queasy or sick: Nope, in fact I have a hearty appetite, but I get full super fast.
Looking forward to: My OB appointment next week, and finally getting the nursery all organized!

Until next time! XoXoXo

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