Monday, January 8, 2018

Third Trimester Essentials

The third trimester is definitely the hardest, (in my opinion) so having some essentials to stay comfortable and make it a little easier is key to survival. I only have a few weeks left before I get to meet this sweet baby, so here are some things I have been using on the daily to get through this last bit of pregnancy:

1. Raspberry Leaf Tea. This tea isn't the best tasting in the world (honestly it kind of tastes like nothing and then sometimes paper haha) but it's great for toning uterine muscles. I will likely be having a c-section, but I have still been drinking a cup of this every day just in case. (If nothing else, it will help my uterus get back down to normal size!) If baby does happen to flip head down, I will up it to two cups a day around 36 weeks.

2. Peppermint Essential Oil. Peppermint is one of my favorite oils, so I go through a lot of it. I diffuse it for an energy boost, add a few drops of it to my water if I have an upset stomach, and rub it on my temples for those awful third trimester headaches. Also, as of late, I have been rubbing it across the top of my belly to encourage little girl to flip. So far, all it does is get her a little hyper, but it's definitely worth trying!

3. Target Maternity Tees. I don't know why it took me so long to discover these, but now I'm addicted and every time I see a new color, I get it if they have it in my size at the time. They're the comfiest v-neck shirts, and they're only $12.99, so I don't feel like I'm breaking the bank for something I am only going to wear for a couple more months. 

4. Nursing Bra. I am still in the market for a really good nursing bra, but for now this is the one I have because it's super comfortable. Instead of buying brand new bras, I always just invest in a nursing bra during pregnancy because I know it will get months and months of use.

5. Cliff Bars. These have been a saving grace for me when I'm hungry and need food now. I always keep one in my purse, and a box stocked in my cupboard. The blueberry stuffed with almond butter is my absolute favorite.

6. Birthing/Yoga Ball. I actually haven't blown mine up yet, because of baby being breech, but when I was pregnant with Baylee I sat and/or bounced on that thing every day in my third trimester. It helped relieve so much pressure off my back, and when I went in to labor, it did wonders to help me progress quicker.  

7. Contigo Water Bottle. I have these on my first trimester essentials list as well, but they are even more important in the last trimester. Keeping hydrated is a huge deal to prevent early labor and other complications, and without a big water bottle to take around with me, I completely forget. Wherever I go, my water bottle goes too so that I can remember to drink enough water to stay healthy!

What are your favorite things for the third trimester? I would love to add to this list!

Until next time! XoXoXo 

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