Thursday, July 16, 2020

Baylee is 6!

Yesterday my big girl turned 6 and had the best day! I had Brian take her for a drive for couple of hours and she came home to a little surprise ice cream party with some of her little girlfriends! It was so fun, and simple...the best kind of day!

It’s hard to believe that this girl is 6 already, I really don’t know how time has flown so fast! She is reading books like crazy, and is a little sponge brain. She loves to learn about animals and science, and she can remember all kinds of facts. She is becoming my little bestie more each day. She loves to cuddle and chit chat, but she has a wild side that loves to dance and put on a show. I love the little person she is becoming more than I could ever explain!

Baylee's 6th Birthday Interview 

Favorite color?: pink 
Favorite toy?: My American Girl doll “Star”
Favorite food?: bacon & eggs
Favorite TV show?: My Little Pony & Barbie
Favorite game?: Candy Land
Favorite snack?: fruit especially apples
Favorite animal?: Zebra (“because they’re really fast like me”)
Favorite song?: “Show Yourself” from Frozen 2
Favorite book?: “My Little Pony 5 Minute Snuggle Stories”
Best Friend?: Leah, Kassidy, Sophie, Chelsea, Delaney & Jocie 
Favorite Cereal?: Very Berry Cheerios
Favorite thing to do outside?: Play pirates on my swing set
Favorite drink?: Strawberry Lemonade
Favorite holiday?: Halloween 
What toy do you take to bed with you at night?: “Snow” my big bunny
Favorite movie?: “The Little Mermaid”
Favorite place to go?: Disneyland

I hope you had a wonderful birthday, my Baylee girl!
I love you so much!

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