Thursday, July 30, 2020

Baby Tibbetts #3!

It’s still hard to believe, but Baby #3 is officially on the way! If you follow along on my Instagram, you know that I was truly struggling with the decision of what to do next after our miscarriage in March. We have two beautiful girls, so of course I knew I would be happy no matter what, but there was a part of me that just didn’t feel like our family was complete. God gave me a lot of time to mull it over, because two months past my miscarriage, I still hadn’t got my period back. I decided to see my fertility doctor, and he asked if my goal was to do another cycle. I told him I was still at the “wait and see” point, so he gave me medication to help bring my cycle back and I promised myself that no matter what I was going to make the decision for me. Not for Brian, not for the kids, just me. 

I made the appointment for my baseline ultrasound and testing still not knowing for sure what I wanted to do. But during my ultrasound I got really good vibes and my doctor said he had never seen my uterus look so beautiful (misshapen but beautiful!) That was the sign I needed, so I decided to move forward. I got all my meds in and told a very excited Brian that we were going to give it one last shot!

It was SO hard to keep it a secret, but I knew I needed to just focus, and it ended up being a great decision. On June 17th (my  Nanny’s (grandma) birthday!) we transferred a beautiful frozen embryo, and prayed that this one wold be our Baby #3!

Sure enough, when blood test day rolled around I had an HCG level of 782! We were very elated, but knew this was only step one after having experienced two losses. We hurdled step 2 and made it farther than my loss in March with a second HCG draw in the 9,000s. I was supposed to have my first ultrasound a couple weeks later, but I started bleeding a little and freaked out. My doctor was able to get me in first thing the next morning. We found out I just have a super small hematoma, and saw our little grain of rice baby and the slightest flicker of a heartbeat!

Since then I have had a couple more ultrasounds and each one the baby has shown growth, which is wonderful! The last appointment I had, baby had a wonder heart rate of 168 and looked amazing! I have what should be my last ultrasound with my fertility doctor tomorrow, and then after that I should be free to see my O.B. and continue on as a normal pregnancy! I am so excited to be done with shots and to watch my belly grow one last time! :)

Thank you again for your support and prayers, and for following along on our journey! We love you all!

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