Monday, August 10, 2020

Natalie At 2 1/2!


My Natalie Louise turned 2.5 yesterday, so I figured it was time to do a little update on her! This little chick is one smart cookie, and she’s honestly a joy to have around. She, of course, drives me crazy, As 2-year-olds will do, but she has a very sweet disposition most of the time and is so much fun!

 Here are her latest stats:

Age: 2 1/2
Weight: 26.5 lbs

Height: 34 inches

Clothing size: 2T

Teeth: Everything but her 2-year molars! So far one has cut but we are waiting on the other 3.

Favorite foods: She eats a peanut butter and jelly sandwich almost every day! She’s obsessed. She also loves cereal, fruit, steak, and broccoli.

Words: This girl is an amazing talker, and I’m so proud of her. She can already keep up with her sister in pretend games, and loves to chit chat with me about her toys and favorite things. She can count to 10 unassisted, 20 assisted, and sings her own little version of the ABC’s. She’s very polite and uses her manners so well for her age. She’s quick to apologize and always says “Thank you” and “no thank you”.

Favorite activities: playing outside (doesn’t matter what she just loves being outside), coloring, reading books, and playing in the play room. 

Least favorite activities: She doesn’t like being told she can’t do something that she wants to do, but she gets over her fits super fast. She’s definitely not a prolonged crier/tantrum thrower so it’s nice. When she’s mad she can be easily distracted by something else.

Favorite toys: Little people, stuffed animals, baby dolls, and the play kitchen. 

Signature moves: Insisting on saying goodnight to everyone in the house a second time to avoid bed. Rejecting her food when I put it in front of her, but if I leave it there for a while, she will eat everything on the plate. Telling Baylee “You my best fwen.”

I can’t believe in 6 short months we will be celebrating this girl’s 3rd birthday and then she will be become a big sister shortly after that! It’s going to be the best! 

Happy half birthday my Natty Lou! Mommy loves you more than I could ever explain!

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