Friday, October 9, 2020

Four Month Bumpdate

How far along: 4 months (19 weeks)
Weight gain: nothing yet
Stretch marks: Nope
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Occasional insomnia and getting up to pee like 3-4 times!
Best moment this month: Finding out the gender! So excited for baby girl #3!
Worst moment this month: Definitely my bladder episodes. I feel like I have a bladder infection at all times (I don’t, its just from pressure) and landed in the ER for urine retention. I had another episode with it last Friday and Brian had to leave work to help me with the catheter. It’s been a rough time.
Miss anything: Just peeing without having a panic attack really.
Movement: Some random kicks but nothing consistent at all. I think she likes to hide!
Cravings: chocolate pudding, kettle corn, and breakfast foods (especially egg and cheese burritos)
Anything make you queasy or sick: Nope! I finally got my heartburn/indigestion under control thanks to Prevacid and the morning sickness is long gone!
Looking forward to: My anatomy scan is on the 21st and I can’t wait to see how big baby girl has gotten!

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