Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Five Month Bumpdate

How far along: 5 months (22 weeks 3 days)
Weight gain: 5 pounds
Stretch marks: Nope
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Sleep is pretty great right now, can’t complain!
Best moment this month: Finding out that baby girl is perfectly healthy at her anatomy scan, and seeing how adorable she is already!
Worst moment this month: Also at the anatomy scan, finding out I am at risk for placenta accreta and placenta previa. I am so scared, but trying to have faith that God will see me through everything!
Miss anything: I have days when I’m seriously looking forward to not being pregnant anymore, but for the most part I’m trying to enjoy it.
Movement: Oh yes, this little girl is a tiny dancer now.
Cravings: peanut butter, salty snacks, and soft tacos from Taco Bell.Which is why I finally gained 5 pounds!
Anything make you queasy or sick: Nothing! Food is finally my friend!
Looking forward to: Finally picking out a name for our sweet little one! We are having the hardest time ever!

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