35 Things About Me!

Wednesday, March 10, 2021


In honor of me turning 35 a few days ago, here are 35 things about me...

1. I once had a goldfish named Sushi that lived for almost 3 years and survived three moves!

2. Brian and I are currently planning a trip to Scotland for our 10th anniversary! (2023) We plan on renewing our vows while we are there!

3. I’m a total Harry Potter and Star Wars nerd.

4. My favorite flowers are lilies. (stargazer lilies are the best!)

5. I think being a girl mom suits me well! I would have loved to experience a son, but life just feels right with my 3 girlies!

6. I can never have enough coffee mugs or cozy blankets.

7. I was a Disneyland Annual pass holder for over 17 years until they discontinued all passes a few weeks ago.

8. I once had to break into my own house. Baylee was just about 2 and was watching a movie on the couch. I went into the front yard to quickly grab our mail, and I somehow locked myself out of the house. After trying everything to get back in I finally picked up a huge rock and threw it through one of the back windows (far away from where Baylee was) and broke away enough glass to open up the other side of the window and climb in. I called Brian sobbing and he immediately rushed home from work. The craziest part? I tried to move the rock I used later on and I could barely pick it up. Adrenaline made me super mom!

9. I’m almost always barefoot, in slippers, or flip flops.

10. I don’t like bacon. Like loathe it.

11. My college boyfriend convinced me that he commissioned Brad Paisley to write the song “Everything” for me. I 100% believed him because at the time I drove a Saturn with a sunroof.

12. Christmas music makes me super emotional. There’s certain songs that make me cry every year!

13. I love my 30s a million times more than my 20s.

14. I am super excited about being done having babies! I can’t wait to start the next chapter of traveling and doing all the fun things with our girls!

15. I’m also super sad about being done having babies...#bittersweet 😭

16. I aspire to own chickens, goats, and maybe a cow or a horse one day. I always joke with Brian that we need to retire on a farm, but I’m also kind of not joking. 😉

17. My favorite colors are pink and grey, and I mostly only wear grey, black, and white. Sometimes I throw a little color in for fun but it’s rare. (I’m currently in a black shirt and grey pants haha)

18. I absolutely love being a SAHM. I don’t think I will ever have a “job” again unless it’s freelance.

19. Being a fire wife is one of the most challenging parts of my life, but I also wouldn’t change it for the world. Brian was made to be a firefighter.

20. Baths are my favorite way to decompress.

21. I love mornings! I never thought I would, but now they’re my favorite part of the day! ☕️

22. My favorite holidays are Christmas, Halloween, 4th of July, and St. Patrick’s Day. In that order.

23. I can’t believe I have two IVF kids. Never in a million years did I think I would be able to say that.

24. That being said, IVF has defined a huge part of who I am now. I now know I’m tough as nails, and it’s helped me learn to not make mountains out of molehills.

25. I’m an enneagram 9 in all the ways.

26. I’m the worst housekeeper...my whole family is terrible about putting things back and I just procrastinate. 🙈

27. If I ever absolutely had to get a job I would probably be a preschool teacher.

28. When I was a kid I wanted to be a marine biologist. I was absolutely obsessed with marine animals and had hundreds of drawings of orcas and dolphins.

29. I still have a strong connection with the ocean. Being near one brings me instant peace.

30. I love finding good deals. I almost never buy anything (besides essentials) full price.

31. love margaritas, piña coladas, and mimosas. I absolutely cannot drink vodka anymore.

32. I’m 100% a dog person and will probably never own a cat.

33. Sometimes I wish I had more style but truthfully I’m just too lazy. 🤪

34. I can’t wait to move out of California one day. The only good things about this state are the weather and Disneyland.

35. I’m as family oriented as they come. Nothing means more to me than spending time with my family!

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